足本玉蒲团 – Yu Pui Tsuen II 1987 480p DVD REMUX MPEG2 DD2 0-KMX

Yu Pui Tsuen II 1987 480p DVD REMUX MPEG2 DD2 0-KMX
类型: 剧情, 奇幻, 爱情 | 片长: 91 分 | 上映時間: 1987-10-15
文件大小: 3.95 GB


上映日期: 1986 年 12 月 12 日 (香港)
导演: 何藩
演员表: 孙建、 周迎迪、 郑婉雯、 于芷蔚、 Yuen-Man Cheng、 邓仲坤
编剧: 何藩、 文隽
改编自: 肉蒲团
制片: 黄希云

故事描述四百年前一个风流才子,命犯桃花,一夕得一荒唐绮梦,初则徵歌逐色,继而沉沦欲海,终至惨遭灭顶 ,于是一惊而醒,上山问道于高僧,但与高僧激辩后, 才子仍深信“人生朝露,及时行乐”的哲学,于是展开 其纵横欲海之“性路历程”。 才子首先娶得美人归,旦旦而伐,夜夜笙歌,知丈人看不过眼,乃以上京赴考为名,却是到处猎艳为实,于是抛弃妻,云游四海。首先在一庸堂钓得一上香美女,几番波折,终诣鱼水之欢。艳妇之夫盛怒之下以牙还牙,将该才子之妻多番淫辱报复,继而将之卖落青楼,为万人荐枕。 及后才子在青楼召妓,巧遇其妻,其妻无颜相见,自缢而死。才子抚尸痛哭,悔之已晚,方知万恶淫为首,轮回报应,半点无差,至此大澈大悟,遁入空门,了此残生。 本片只是平铺直叙了一个“淫人妻女者被人淫”的故事,且在色情之余,着力刻画了未央生与玉香这两个角色。未央生淫了别人的妻子,但是却害怕自己也落入别人的下场,这一点,从片头那段魔幻主义的歌舞就可以看得出来。 本片1996年改名《足本玉蒲团》重映

Before Michael Mak’s Sex And Zen became a cult favourite in the ’90s, there was Ho Fan’s Yu Pui Tsuen (The Carnal Prayer Mat, 1987). But without sex bomb Amy Yip, coarse humour or lesbian love affairs, Yu Pui Tsuen had to rely on the nudity and sex from his cast of relative unknowns to save the day. When a young man dreams that he drowns after a night of carnal passion, he asks a buddhist monk to translate the experience for him. The monk replies that the dream is a warning not to indulge the pleasures of the flesh to excess, but the man ignores his advice, marrying a virgin and making love to her constantly. However, after several torrid affairs, the man begins to realise the sagacity of the monk’s warning.

Filename.......: Yu Pui Tsuen II 1987 480p DVD REMUX MPEG2 DD2 0-KMX
File Size......: 3.95 GB
Duration.......: 01:32:35

Codec..........: V_MPEG2
Resolution.....: 720x480
Bit rate.......: 5716 Kbps

Language.......: Chinese
Channels.......: 2
Format.........: A_AC3
Bit rate.......: 192 Kbps

Language.......: English, Chinese

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